Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery 2010;6(1):14-18.
Published online June 30, 2010.
Clinical Analysis of Geriatric Neurosurgical Patients Who were Over 75 Years Old at Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit in the Past 10 Years
John Ho Kim , Seok Keun Choi , Hyuk Jai Choi , Hee Sup Shin , Min Kii Kim , Sung Bum Kim , Tae Sung Kim , Bong Arm Rhee , Young Jin Lim
Department of Neurosurgery, Kyung-Hee University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
최근 10년 사이에 신경외과 중환자실에 입원한 75세 이상 고령 환자의 임상적 비교
경희대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실
The increase in geriatric patients over 65 years of age have become a problem in our society, and the coming of a super aged society within the next 10 years is a given fact. The medical expense of these patients is enormous. Therefore, by studying the NICU patients aged over 75 years, we analyzed the clinical changes in these patient groups and the treatment they received with an interval of 10 years.
With an interval of 10 years, in 1997 and 2007, a retrospective analysis of the neurologic state on admission, underlying diseases, diagnosis on admission, method of treatment, complications and clinical state were done on the super aged NICU patients aged over 75 years.
The number of super aged patients admitted to the NICU was 18 in 1997 and 35 in 2007. In 1997, six patients (33.3%) had brain damage, six patients (33.3%) had cerebral hemorrhage and five patients (27.8%) had subarachnoid hemorrhage. In 2007, ten patients (28.6%) had brain damage, 12 patients (34.3%) had cerebral hemorrhage and six patients (17.1%) had subarachnoid hemorrhage. In 1997, 5 patients (27.8%) underwent surgical treatment and in 2007, 11 patients (36.7%) underwent surgical treatment. The mortality rate was 38.9% in 1997 and 31.4% in 2007. The mean GOS (Glasgow Outcome Scale) was 2.11 in 1997 and this increased to 2.77 in 2007 (p=0.045).
The super aged patients tend to show poor prognosis after treatment. But recent increase in mean age of patients with prevention and management of chronic diseases and introduction of non invasive treatment for cerebral diseases allows for aggressive management of these super aged patients and this leads us to believe that a better prognosis is achievable compared to the past.
Key Words: Neurosurgical Intensive Care UnitㆍGeriatric neurosurgical patientㆍCerebrovascular disease

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