Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery 2005;1(1):1-11.
Published online March 4, 2005.

Neurosurgical Consideration of the SAH in the Elderly

Soon Ki Sung , Chang Hwa Choi

Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea

고령 뇌지쥬막하출혈 환자의 신경외과 수술시 고려점

성순기 · 최창화

부산대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실


As increasing of the population of th old age (over 65), the numbers of aneurysm, surgery in the elderly also were increased. But, the decision to treat intracranial aneurysm still remains difficult problem whether it is ruptured or unruptured and many neurosurgeons hesitate to operate these elderly patients becase of less favorable outcome. In this study, the author reviewed several articles which written and discussed about aneuryamal surgery of the elderly patients. The main focuses of review are risk factors, treatment option and outcomes, surgical decision, operative indications and contraindications, and prognostic factors. The conclusion of this review is that eventhough advanced age reveals less favorable outcome, it is not due to pure old age alone but due to associated medical condition. The outcome in young and old patients in same clinical condition was similar. So, with holding treatment of cerebral aneurysm on adbanced age is not always be justfied. Physiologic rather than chronologic age together with patient's lives on pre-attack and clinical status on attack should be considered as the basis of treatment recommendation in the elderly patient with cerebral aneurysm. After surgery, aggressive treatment and prevention of medical complications can lead ot a better outcome.

Key Words:

Intracranial aneurysm · Surgical decision · Elderly patient · Outcome

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