Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery 2006;2(1):75-81.
Published online February 15, 2006.

Comparison of Therapeutic Response with Bisphosphonates in the Treatment of Osteoporotic Vertebral Comression Fracture

Juno park , Jung Yul Park , Dong Jun Lim , Jang Bo Lee , Sang Dae Kim , Heung Seob Chung

Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea

골다공증성 척추 암박골절 환자에서 비스포스포네이트 제제의 치료 반응 비교

박준오 · 박정율 · 임동준 · 이장보 · 김상대 · 정흥섭


Objective: Osteoporosis is charnacterized by an increased rate of bone turnover and a reduciton of bone mass. The nitrogen-containing bisphospho nates, alendronate and risedronate, have been shown to increase bone mineral density(BMD) at the spine and hip. The current analyses were performaed in order to compare BMD change and newly developed oseoporotic vertebral compression fractures(OVCFs) after bisphosphonate therapy.  Methods: There was a total of 171 patients who have been treated with one of bisphophonates for the treatment of osteoporosis, Inclusion criteria for this study were; (1) patients who had the diagnosis of OVCF,(2) patients who had taken medication for 6 months, and (3) patients who had been followed for months or longer. Patients who met all inclusion criteria(97 pateints) were divided into 2 groups : alendronate group(74 patients) and risedronate group (20 patients). BMD and spine x-ray were obtained at baseline, 6 months, and when new symptoms develop or when previous symptoms were aggrevated.  Results: During the follow-up period, 3 patients developed new OVCF(4.1%) and 9 patients showed aggravation of BMD scores(12.2%) in alendrontae group. In risedronate group, one patient developed new OVCF (5%) and one patient aggravated BDM score(5%). Statistically,however, there were no meanigful differences(OVCF; p=0.861, BMD score; p=0.253).  Conclusion: In our study, there were no differnces in new OVCF and BMD aggrabation in these groups. A randomized controlled trial with larger population and longer follow up period will be needed before making and justification can be made.

Key Words:

Osteoporosis · Vertebral compression fracture · Incidence · Elderly · Bisphosphonate

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