Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery 2019;15(2):91-96.
Published online September 30, 2019.
Risk Factors for Occurrence of Vertebral Collapse and Increase of Kyphotic Angle in Fractured Vertebrae During Conservative Treatment
Do Hyun Kim, Hee Il Kang, Tae Wan Kim, Joo Chul Yang, Kwan Ho Park
Department of Neurosurgery, Veterans Healthcare Service Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
보존적 치료 중 골절된 척추체에서 발생하는 척추체 허탈 및 만곡각 증가의 위험인자
김도현, 강희일, 김태완, 양주철, 박관호
중앙보훈병원 신경외과
Conservative treatment is a method for vertebral compression fracture management. Many patients suffer progressive vertebral collapse and an increase of local kyphosis during conservative treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate risk factors for progressive vertebral deformity in vertebral compression fractures treated conser- vatively.
From January 2014 to June 2017, we retrospectively analyzed 31 patients with traumatic compression fracture at a single-level vertebrae that were treated conservatively(minimum 6-month follow-up). We measured initial and final vertebral height loss and local kyphotic angles. We assessed multiple variables; such as; age, sex, body mass index, presence of previous vertebral compression fracture history and osteoporosis; site, and presence of air cleft within a fractured vertebral body and middle column involvement; and shape of bone marrow edema.
Presence of air cleft within a fractured vertebral body was a risk factor for progressive vertebral body collapse (p=0.001). Presence of air cleft and middle column involvement were predisposing factors to increase of kyphotic angle (p=0.012, and 0.029, respectively).
Close follow-up and active treatment may be needed when the presence of air clefts and middle column involvement in fractured vertebrae are noted upon initial examination.
Key Words: Compression fractures, Collapse, Kyphosis, Conservative treatment
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