Rating Scales for Spinal Related Disorders |
Je-On Park , Jung Yul Park |
Department of neurosurgery, Korea University School of Medicine, Ansan Hospital, Korea |
척추관련 질환을 위한 등급 평가 척도 |
박 제 언ㆍ박 정 율 |
고려대학교의료원 안산병원 신경외과 |
Abstract |
Objective Advancement and refinement in the treatment of spinal diseases largely depend on careful measurement
of the results of evaluation or treatment as clinical trials invariably require measurement of the effect of a procedure
or medication on a spinal disease process. Objective of this study was to review currently available neurological
rating scales for various spinal related disorders used in clinical settings to provide insights and feedbacks on their use.
Materials and Methods: We selected all published articles from three neurosurgical journals describing the
neurological rating scales for spinal disease in recent five years. References articles included were Journal of Korean
neurological society, Journal of neurosurgery, and Neurosurgery.
Results There were 26 rating scales that were used in these journals for the evaluation and assessment of patients
with various spinal disorers. All scales were reviewed with respect to usage, validation, advantages, and disadvantages.
There were total of 1,502 articles that described variable neurosurgical rating scales for spinal related disorders.
The major purposes of their applications (85%) were providing methods of measuring outcome of patients with spinal
disorders. However, variety of other reasons were standardizing and rating the clinical status and comparison of
pre- and post-treatment evaluation.
Conclusion The primary consideration in scale selection remains how well the scale will accomplish the task
at hand, reliability (accuracy), reproducibility (precision), and sensitivity largely determining the numbers needed in
clinical trials. Use of accepted valid scales is important if trial results are to be widely accepted. Scale efficiency
also affects costs and patient acceptance. Results of this study indicate that more universally applicable scales
seem necessary in variety of spinal related disorders in future. |
Key Words:
Neurological scaleㆍClassificationㆍGradingㆍMeasurementㆍSpine |