Clinical Experiences of Unusual Cerebral Infarctions in Elderly Patients |
Jae Ho Choi , Jae Hoon Sung , Sang Won Lee , Byung Chul Son, Jae Taek Hong , Seung Ho Yang , Il Sup Kim , Chun Kun Park |
Department of Neurosurgery, St. Vincent's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Suwon, Korea |
노인환자에서의 드문 뇌경색 치료 경험 |
최재호ㆍ성재훈ㆍ이상원ㆍ손병철ㆍ홍재택ㆍ양승호ㆍ김일섭ㆍ박춘근 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성빈센트병원 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Cerebral infarction, especially in elderly patients, is one of the leading causes of death and disability. In cases of
common vascular territorial infarctions, with advancement of modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized
tomography (CT) technologies such as diffusion MRI and CT angiography, prompt diagnosis and management
are much easier than past era. But, some cases of unusual infarctions need sophisticated assessment thorough
knowledge of neuroanatomy and high index of suspicion. We present unusual medial medullary infarction, high
cervical cord infarction, misdiagnosed infarction of cervical spine stenosis, embolic infarction from fusiform aneurysm
and hemorrhagic infarction of sagittal sinus thrombosis with review of literatures. Individualized stepwise diagnostic
and therapeutic approaches are warranted. |
Key Words:
Cerebral infarctionsㆍDiagnosisㆍElderly |