Comparative Analysis of Locations of Burr-hole Trephination for Unilateral Chronic Subdural Hematoma in Elderly |
Yeon Jin Yi , Seong Keun Moon |
Department of Neurosurgery, Wonkwang University School of Medicine, Iksan, Korea |
일측성 만성 경막하혈종의 노인 환자에서 천공패쇄배액술시 천공술 위치에 대한 비교 연구 |
이연진·문성근 |
원광대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is one of the most common types of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage, usually occurring in the older patients, with a good surgical prognosis. Although many surgical techniques have been proposed for the treatment of CSDH, most neurosurgeons favor a burr-hole trephination (BHT) and closed-system drainage (CSD), for it has low morbidity and mortality rates and is simple. In this study, we aimed to analyze the clinical postoperative outcome according to location of BHT.
Methods Forty-two CSDH were surgically treated and analyzed retrospectively. In order to identify the usefulness of location of BHT, the procedures were divided into 2 groups. The group A underwent BHT through frontal bone, whereas the group B was treated through parietal bone.
Results There were no significant differences in the all data between the two groups in clinical status, pre- and postoperative radiological findings, and surgical results.
Conclusion Our results indicates that the BHT and CSDH can be performed effectively and frontal and parietal locations of BHT were acceptable for CSDH. |
Key Words:
HematomaㆍSubduralㆍChronicㆍTrephiningㆍFrontal boneㆍParietal bone |