Discal Cyst of the Lumbar Spine in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report |
Ji-Sang Kim1 , Hyoung-Joon Chun1 , Koang-Hum Bak1 , Je-Il Ryu2 , Hyeong-Joong Yi1 |
Departments of Neurosurgery, 1Hanyang Hospital, 2Guri Hospital, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
고령 환자에서의 요추부 디스크 낭종 1례 |
김지상1·전형준1·백광흠1·류제일2·이형중1 |
한양대학교 의과대학 한양대학교병원1, 구리병원2 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Discal cyst-intraspinal cyst communicating with an adjacent intervertebral disc- is uncommon cause of lumbar radiculopathy. Because it is very rare, its natural history and treatment are still unknown. Here, we report a case of discal cyst of the lumbar spine in an elderly patient and discuss the clinical characteristics and optimal management. |
Key Words:
Cystic discㆍElderlyㆍLumbar |