Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery 2014;10(2):110-115.
Published online December 30, 2014.
Comparison of the Surgical Results of Cranioplasty after Craniectomy between the Elderly and the Younger Patients
Chong In Kim , Young Seok Park , Kyung Soo Min , Mou Seop Lee, Young Gyu Kim , Dong Ho Kim
Department of Neurosurgery, Chungbuk National University School of Medicine, Cheongju, Korea
젊은 환자와 노인 환자의 두개골 절제술 후에 시행한 두개골 성형술의 치료 결과 분석
충북대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실
The aim of this study was to compare the surgical outcomes between nonelderly and elderly patients who underwent cranioplasty after craniectomy state.
The authors retrospectively analyzed the surgical and medical records of 63 patients who underwent cranioplasty from January 2003 to December 2012. The patients were divided into two groups with age(group A: age 11- 64 years, group B: age >65).The factors investigated were including age at cranioplasty, gender, diagnosis predisposing cranioplasty, type of graft (autologous vs. polymethylmethacrylate), operation time, and time elapsed between craniectomy and cranioplasty.
There were 50 patients younger than 65 years and 13 patients older than 65 years who had undergone cranioplasty. There were no significant different in male to female ratio and the most frequent cause of initial craniectomy was trauma. The cryopreserved autologous bone flaps were used 45 (71.4%) in group A and 13 (20.6%) in group B. Only group A included 5 cases of alloplastic graft marterial. The period of craniectomy state were 72 days in group A and 147 days in group B. The number of patients who showed complications after cranioplasty were 7 in group A and 2 in group B.
The result of our study shows the elderly patients are not significantly associated with an unfavorable surgical outcome of cranioplasty. But we always considered elderly patient’s health state before the surgery to prevent other complication.
Key Words: CranioplastyㆍCraniectomyㆍElderlyㆍComplication

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