The Frequency and Implication of Cerebral Artery Calcification on Computed
Tomography of the Brain in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction |
Do Young Han , Cheol Su Jwa |
Department of Neurosurgery, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea |
급성 뇌경색 환자에서 두부 전산화단층촬영상
뇌혈관 석회화의 빈도와 임상적 의미 |
한도영·좌철수 |
국립중앙의료원 신경외과 |
Abstract |
Objective We assessed frequency and implication of cerebral artery calcification on computed tomography of the
brain in patients with acute cerebral infarction.
Methods We retrospectively analysed 79 patients with acute cerebral infarction admitted in our institute from 2011
to 2013. Frequency and location of cerebral artery calcification, old infarction and white matter hyperintensity are
reviewed in computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imagings.
Results Cerebral artery calcification was very common findings in patients with acute cerebral infarction and was
observed in 61 patients (77.2%): internal carotid artery, 14 patients (17.7%), vertebrobasilar artery, 15 patients (19.0%)
and both arteries, 32 patients (40.5%). Cerebral artery calcifications were 41 (67.2%) in patients with lacunar infarction,
17 (27.9%) in patients with territory infarction, and 3 (4.9%) in patients with embolic infarction (p=0.084). Cerebral
artery calcifications were more frequent in elderly patients than younger patients (69.0 years vs 59.3 years, p=0.004).
Cerebral artery calcifications were more frequent in male patients than female patients (60.7% vs 39.0%, p=0.075)
and were more common in patients with hypertension (77.0% vs 50.0%, p=0.023). There were high incidence of
cerebral artery calcification in patients with old lacunar infarction (72.1% vs 27.9%, p=0.079) and white matter hyperintensity
in magnetic resonance imagings (75.4% vs 24.6%, p=0.001<).
Conclusion Cerebral artery calcification is one of common radiological findings in patients with cerebral infarction,
but is not related to location of specific cerebral infarction. Instead, it seems to be associated with previous cerebrovascular
ischemic events such as old cerebral infarction or white matter hyperintensity. |
Key Words:
Computed tomographyㆍCalcificationㆍCerebral infarction |