Treatment of Unruptured Mirror Aneurysm in Elderly Patients,
When One of Mirror Aneurysms is Ruptured |
Seong Il Jeong1 , Chun Sik Choi1 , Yu Sam Won1 , Jong Joo Lee1 , Myung Ho Rho2 |
Departments of 1Neurosurgery, 2Radiology, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Abstract |
Objective Most of the previous studies have focused risk factors and locations of mirror aneurysms and the frequency
of first mirror aneurysm rupture. However, studies on the treatment of unruptured mirror aneurysm in elderly patients,
aged 60 years old or over, when one of the mirror aneurysms is ruptured, have not been conducted. In this study,
we investigate the prognosis in the elderly patients with mirror aneurysms, one of which had been ruptured.
Methods Data from 2000 through 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. Eight patients (aged from 48-73) with mirror
aneurysms were admitted to our hospital and all eight patients were diagnosed with subarachnoid hemorrhage due
to the rupture of one of the mirror aneurysms.
Results All eight patients were treated for the ruptured mirror aneurysm with clipping surgery or coil embolization.
During the follow-up period, six patients were treated for the unruptured mirror aneurysms. One of two patients who
were not treated for the unruptured mirror aneurysm expired due to rupture of the untreated aneurysm.
Conclusion Clinically, mirror aneurysm is a very rare disease. But the rupture risk is similar to that of multiple intracranial
aneurysms. Therefore, elderly patients, aged 60 years old or over, with mirror aneurysms who |
Key Words:
Intracranial aneurysmㆍMirrorㆍSubarachnoid hemorrhageㆍPrognosis |