Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery 2013;9(2):167-171.
Published online December 30, 2013.
Analysis of Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Image after Coil Embolization of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysm: Clinical Significance in Elderly Patients
Man-Kkyu Park1 , Dong-Hun Kang1,2 , Duck-Ho Goh1 , Jae-Chan Park1 , Jeong-Hyun Hwang1 , Yong-Sun Kim2
Departments of Neurosurgery1, Radiology2, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
고령 비파열 뇌동맥류 환자의 코일 색전술 후 MR-DWI 영상의 분석 및 임상적 의의
경북대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실1, 영상의학과교실2
To analyze the incidence and risk factors for symptomatic ischemic complication and microemboli detected as MR diffusion-weighted imaging (MR-DWI) positive lesions after coil embolization of unruptured intracranial aneurysm in the elderly patients aged over 65 years.
Between January 2008 and December 2011, unruptured intracranial aneurysms in 51 patients underwent coil embolization and post-treatment MR-DWI. The incidence of MR-DWI positive lesions and symptomatic ischemic complications were analyzed. Risk factors for DWI positive lesions were analyzed by the category of aneurysm size, aspect ratio, total procedure time, and the present use of stent.
The incidence of DWI positive lesion and symptomatic ischemic complication was 66.7% and 7.8%, respectively. Compared to MR-DWI negative group, MR-DWI positive groups tent to show larger size of aneurysm, lower aspect ratio, longer treatment time, and more use of stent respectively, but all did not show statistical significance.
When compared with the general population, the elderly showed a relatively high incidence of microemboli and symptomatic ischemic complications after coil embolization of unruptured intracranial aneurysm. Detailed evaluation and careful treatment should be made during coil embolization in elderly patients.
Key Words: Coil embolizationㆍElderlyㆍIschemic complicationㆍMicroemboliㆍMr-diffusion-weighted imaging

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