Clinical Analysis of the Complications Associated with Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt in the Elderly Patients |
Ko Choi , Kyung-Jae Park , Shin-Hyuk Kang , Tai-Hyoung Cho , Yong-Gu Chung , Dong-Hyuk Park |
Department of Neurosurgery, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
노인 환자에서 뇌실 복강 단락술과 관련된 합병증의 임상 분석 |
최 고ㆍ박경재ㆍ강신혁ㆍ조태형ㆍ정용구ㆍ박동혁 |
고려대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective The complications associated with ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt may be critical in old age population and often lead to reoperation. We retrospectively analyzed the incidence of VP shunt related complications and clinical aspects in the elderly patients.
Methods Old aged patients (age≥65) who underwent VP shunt placement for hydrocephalus from January 2000 to December 2012 were included. Medical charts, operative reports, and imaging before and after VP shunt were reviewed. Etiology of hydrocephalus, brain imaging, comorbidities, primary operation, interval from primary operation to shunt were also analyzed retrospectively in detail.
Results 106 old patients were included in the study. The most common etiologies of hydrocephalus include ruptured subarachnoid hemorrhage (39%), idiopathic (20%), posttrauma (18%), intracranial tumors (10%), and Intracerebral hemorrhage (11%). A total of 24 (23%) shunt complication occurred in 106 old patients. Among the complications, infection related with shunt device was most common (42%). Previous hematoma evacuation and short interval from initial operation to VP shunt increased the complications.
Conclusion Our study suggests that hematoma removal history and the short interval between primary surgery and VP shunt might increase possibility of complications in the old population. The infection rate appears to be higher compared to the general population. These compli cations sometimes led to reoperation and prolonged the duration of hospital stay. Thus, surgeons should pay more attention to decrease the complications if VP shunt is inevitable in the old population. |
Key Words:
HydrocephalusㆍCerebrospinal fluidㆍVentriculoperitoneal shuntㆍOld ageㆍComplications |