Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery 2012;8(2):198-201.
Published online December 30, 2012.
Paraplegia due to Acute Aortic Thrombotic Occlusion: A Case Report
Loo-Ree Suh1 , Tae-One Lee2 , Min-Ki Kim3 , Dae-Jean Jo3
1Department of Neurosurgery, Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Seoul, 2Department of Neurosurgery, Kim Young Soo Spine Hospital, Seoul, 3Department of Neurosurgery, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
급성 혈전성 대동맥 폐색 1례
경희대학교 의과대학 강동경희대학교병원1 신경외과학교실,, 김영수병원 신경외과2, 경희의료원3 신경외과학교실
The authors report on a 64-year-old man who had acute paraplegia after leaping down from a height of one meter into the ground. Computed tomography angiographic image from abdominal aorta to low extremities showed aortoiliac thrombotic occlusion with renal infarction. The patient underwent aortobifemoral bypass operation, however, he died due to multiple organ failure with compartment syndrome. This case suggests that acute aortic thrombotic occlusion is a rare, catastrophic event that can lead to paraplegia caused by acute spinal cord ischemia. The clinicians have to do careful examination because they can delay exact diagnosis and initiation of definite treatment. Especially, elderly patients who have high rate of incidence of other medical problems, thrombotic occlusion event will be more possible. Therefore the clinicians have to perform physical examination carefully and diagnose definitely for old patients to rule out vascular lesion.
Key Words: ParaplegiaㆍAortic thrombosisㆍAortic occlusionㆍSpinal cord ischemiaㆍAnterior spinal artery syndrome

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