Intratumoral Hemorrhage in Patient using Aspirin: A Case Report |
Jong Kwon Lee , Hyuk Jai Choi , Tae Sung Kim , Young Jin Lim |
Department of Neurosurgery, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
아스피린을 사용한 환자에서 발생한 종양내 출혈 1례 |
이종권ㆍ최혁재ㆍ김태성ㆍ임영진 |
경희대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
A 58-year old man presented with headache for six months and memory disturbance for one month prior to arrival. Neurologic examination was normal except for memory disturbance. His medical history was unremarkable with the exception of hypertension treated with anti-hypertensive medication and aspirin. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 4 cm-sized peripheral rim enhancing mass with intratumoral heterogeneous signal intensity at the right frontal convexity. We diagnosed meningioma with intratumoral hemorrhage. After embolization of a feeding artery, total mass resection was performed. Gross findings showed a round mass with subcapsular chronic hemorrhage. The pathological diagnosis was a typical meningothelial meningioma. He was discharged from the hospital without neurologic deficit or complications. Intracranial hemorrhage associated with meningioma is rare. We reported a rare case of meningioma with intratumoral hemorrhage in a patient using aspirin. |
Key Words:
MeningiomaㆍIntratumoral hemorrhageㆍAspirin |