The Development and Prevention of Axial Pain after Cervical Laminoplasty in Elderly Patients |
Do-Youl Lee , Jong-Chul Kim , Jung-Yul Park , Jang-Bo Lee , Tai-Hyoung Cho , Jung-Keun Suh |
Department of Neurosurgery, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
노인 환자에게서 경추후궁성형술 후 축성통증의 발생 및 예방 |
이도열ㆍ김종철ㆍ박정율ㆍ이장보ㆍ조태형ㆍ서중근 |
고려대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective This research was designed to investigate the correlation between the preservation of C2 or C7 paraspinal muscles and the development
of axial pain after cervical laminoplasty in elderly patients.
Methods A retrospective analysis was performed for 69 patients, who underwent cervical laminoplasty. They were classified into three groups.
Group A preserved both C2 and C7 paraspinal muscles, and group B detached C2 but preserved C7 paraspinal muscles. Group C preserved C2
but detached C7 paraspinal muscles. Statistical analysis was performed to search the correlation between the preservation of C2 or C7 paraspinal
muscles and the development of axial pain.
Results The occurrence ratio of axial pain in Group A (n=26) was 30.8%, which was lower than Group B (n=11, 63.6%) or Group C (n=32,
71.9%). And the degree of postoperative axial pain was relatively mild in Group A, compared with Group B or Group C.
Conclusions Preservation of both C2 and C7 paraspinal muscles not only lowered the occurrence of axial pain after cervical laminoplasty,
but also decreased the severity of axial pain. Especially, preservation of C7 paraspinal muscles is more important in the prevention of postoperative
axial pain than preservation of C2 paraspinal muscles. |
Key Words:
Elderly patientsㆍCervical laminoplastyㆍAxial pain |