Journal of Korean Society of Geriatric Neurosurgery 2012;8(2):138-144.
Published online December 30, 2012.
Comparison of the Epidemiologic and Clinical Characteristics of the Acute Osteoporotic Compression Fracture between Elderly Male and Female
Tae Kwon Kim , Sung Han Oh , Chung Jae Lee , Jong Kook Rhim , Bong Sub Chung
Department of Neurosurgery, Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital, Sungnam-City, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
노인 남성과 여성에서 골다공성 급성 척추체 압박 골절의 발생 역학과 임상적인 특징에 대한 비교
분당제생병원 신경외과
To compare the epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of elderly male patients with female patients who underwent percutaneous vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty for acute osteoporotic compression fractures.
Retrospectively, we analyzed total 233 patients (male 33, female 200) according to the epidemiology, bone mineral density (BMD), body mass index (BMI) and fracture segments using Fisher’s exact test and T-test as a statistical analysis.
The secondary osteoporosis was more frequently found in the elderly male patients compared with the female patients (p=0.025). Particularly, alcohol abuse and/or smoking were more possible independent factors causing secondary osteoporosis in male patients compared with female patients (p=0.001). More than 65% of all patients had some degree of trauma history and fall was a major event in both groups. Mostly their body weights were within normal range in both groups. In male patients, T-score (standardized normal score) of BMD was much lower in the lumbar bodies than femur neck (p=0.000). Above 75% of the fracture segments were in the thoracolumbar junction in both groups. There were no differences in the involvement of multiple segments and old fractures between two groups. The compression rate was not significantly higher in the male group than female group.
It is essential for the healthy elderly life to find and correct the risk factors of fall. To drink in moderation and quit smoking are correctable habits for the secondary osteoporosis.
Key Words: Compression fractureㆍMaleㆍOsteoporosisㆍSpine

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