Calcified Spinal Meningioma in the Thoracic Spine |
Yong-Hun Joo , Kwang-Wook Jo , Sang-Don Kim |
Department of Neurosurgery, Holy Family Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea |
Abstract |
Even though spinal meningioma is well known common disease in company with schwannoma, calcification is rare compared to
brain lesions. A 70 year old female patient presented with an upper back pain for three months. An enhancing calcified mass at the
anterior portion of the T8 spinal canal was observed and total tumor resection was done by trans pedicular approach. Calcification and
severe adhesion within the arachnoid and tumor was observed in the surgical field. The dual pathologic diagnosis was psammomatous
meningioma. The authors report a successfully treated case of a calcified spinal meningioma with a brief literature review. |
Key Words:
MeningiomaㆍCalcificationㆍPsammoma bodyㆍThoracic spine |