Follow-up Study of Unilateral Transpedicular Balloon Kyphoplasty for Osteoporotic Vertebral Body Compression Fractures in the Elderly |
Yong Min Kim , Jeong Ho Kim , Myung Ki Lee , Yun Suk Kim , Jae Sung Park |
Department of Neurosurgery, Maryknoll Medical Center, Busan, Korea |
고령에서 발생한 골다골증성 척추체 압박 골절에서 편측 척추경을 통한 풍선 척추체 성형술의 고찰 |
김용민ㆍ김정호ㆍ이명기ㆍ김윤석ㆍ박재성 |
메리놀병원 신경외과 |
Abstract |
Objective We evaluate the clinical and radiographic results of unilateral transpedicular balloon kyphoplasty for osteoporotic vertebral body compression fractures in the elderly.
Methods We retrospectively reviewed the twenty-one cases of unilateral transpedicular balloon kyphoplasty. Clinical results were obtained by the preoperative and postoperative visual analogue scale and compression ratio of vertebral body. We compared those results with the bilateral transpedicular balloon kyphoplasty.
Results The follow-up periods were 12 months. No complication, which is related to procedure, was occurred. After unilateral transpedicular balloon kyphoplasty, average visual analogue scale score was diminished to 2.38 point from 8.43 point. Compression ratio of vertebral body was diminished to 26% from 41% just procedure. One-year after procedure, compression ratio of vertebral body increase as 28%, compared to just procedure.
Conclusion The result of this study suggests that the unilateral transpedicular balloon kyphoplasty is effective for the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral body compression fractures in the elderly. |
Key Words:
Unilateral transpedicular balloon kyphoplasty |