The Relationship Between Treatment Outcome and CT Scan Findings in the Geriatric Chronic Subdural Hematoma Patients |
Hwan-Ju Lee , Seong-Dae An , Sang-Dae Kim , Se-Hoon Kim , Dong-Jun Lim , Jung-Yul Park, |
Department of Neurosurgery, Korea University College of Medicine, Ansan Medical Center, Kyungki-Do, Korea |
노인 만성 경막하뇌혈종 환자의 치료 예후와 뇌 전산화단층촬영 소견의 연관 관계 |
이환주ㆍ안성대ㆍ김상대ㆍ김세훈ㆍ임동준ㆍ박정율 |
고려대학교 의과대학 안산병원 신경외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Objective Chronic subdural hematoma is relatively common brain injury in the geriatric patients. We evaluated the independent association between pre-operative CT findings in chronic subdural hematoma and Glasgow outcome score at discharge as a measure of outcome.
Methods Total fifty-eight consecutive patients with chronic subdural hematoma presented to our institution from January 2005 to March 2011. Their Glasgow coma scale range at the admission was thirteen to fifteen. The variable considered were brain atrophy, hydrocephalus and hematoma density.
Results Brain atrophy and high hematoma density were significant association with unfavorable outcome (p<0.01, p=0.03).
Conclusion Brain atrophy and high hematoma density were independently increase the risk of unfavorable outcome after chronic subdural hematoma. In the geriatric patients with chronic subdural hematoma, pre-operative CT scanning might be predicts the unfavorable outcome. |
Key Words:
Chronic subdural hematomaㆍGeriatric patientㆍCT scanㆍBrain atrophyㆍHematoma density |